Dear Son,

Akim John
2 min readApr 9, 2024


Photo by Trinity Treft on Unsplash

I turned on the shower this morning and left it for a few minutes so I could get the perfect temperature. After my shower, I brushed my teeth and didn’t need to turn the tap off intermittently. That’s too much work. I got ready using skincare products manufactured by testing on animals. Humans can’t withstand the tests, so animals were a better alternative.

I got into my car, burning fossil fuel for kilometers with my air conditioner turned on, even though it had just rained, and the weather was cool outside.

The commute made me thirsty, so I drank water from plastic bottles and threw them out the window. I washed my car this morning and didn’t want empty bottles in it. Also, others were doing it, so why should I be different?

In the afternoon, I bought food in plastic containers, put them in plastic bags, which I also threw away. They had no further use.

By the way, I work at a real estate company, and we had to cut down a lot of trees to build beautiful estates. Tree planting wasn’t on the blueprint, so the estates were decorated with artificial plants and trees. A lot of paperwork was done to get these approved. We could have sent emails, but who really reads those?

I drove back home in the evening, and I had to turn my diesel generator on throughout the night. The power from the national grid had low voltage, so it couldn’t power my air conditioner and air purifier.

I hear you don’t have good drinking water, with the sea filled with plastic crap and multiple species of fish gone extinct. I also hear the weather isn’t all that great. Soon, you might have to start wearing masks. We did that in the year 2020 (Even though it was for a different reason), so I guess we are going to share experiences.

You see, I really don’t care about sustainability. After all, I don’t have to face the full burden of climate change. I can probably do something about it, but I’m selfish and it’s no longer going to be my problem. It will be yours soon and if you act just like me, you might be writing a letter to your son too.

Wouldn’t that be amazing, my son?

Yours sincerely, Dad.




Akim John

A Digital Product Designer whose passion ranges from 1s and 0s to the tales of the stars above.