No seriously, I’m okay

Akim John
2 min readMay 5, 2024


To fall in love is to let yourself loose without a safety net. To love someone truly, you are actually meant to take the “fall” part of it seriously. You are to let your guard down, be vulnerable, and let another person control part of you, and I’m happy I got to share all that with you.

I called your number earlier today, expecting you to pick up, from heaven of course, but you didn’t. I at least got to hear your voice note: “I’m not around now, but I’ll call you back soon. Leave a message.” I’ve left dozens of messages, waiting for you to call back. I bet you’re busy up there.

Life is funny, you see. Every day lived is a day closer to the grave, meaning a person lives to die. How amazing would it have been if we had lived and died together? A fairytale, but life doesn’t work that way.

Life doesn’t care if you have a test, a flight to catch, or if you are deeply in love. A day lived is a day closer to everything falling apart. Sadly, it’s the only reason we’re not together.

But don’t worry, I’m okay. I still spill coffee on my shirt, I still buy 2 croissants in the morning, one for me and the other for you. I do all the things we loved to do together, and honestly, I’m not really mad that you’re gone. I’m happy I had the opportunity to have done them all with you.

I can’t fall in love again because I think I landed too hard the first time. But don’t worry, I’m fine. Seriously.



Akim John

A Digital Product Designer whose passion ranges from 1s and 0s to the tales of the stars above.